Saturday, September 29, 2012

Ghostbusters Review

(It covers all two movies)

With Halloween not far it's time to review a horror comedy from 1985 to 1989 sequel. Egon, Ray and Peter were paranormal psychologists while working; on campus in New York specializing in revealing the supernatural truth about ghosts and other apparitions, they were thrown off campus because of their bogus hypothesis about the super natural. Earlier on when they are in the New York Public library; they encounter their first ghost in the library basement;  that ghost scared the poor librarian into hysteria so they call them to take care of it quietly. They tried to catch it but the ghost drive them out by spooking them. After that encounter, they decided to become supernatural extermination specialists aka "Ghostbusters". They found a firehouse to turn into a office and they got equipment specializing on catching ghosts. They also turn a police car into their famous car Ecto 1. That evening they got their first call about a haunt on the 12th floor of the Sedgework Hotel. That haunt is a green and slimy ghost that can eat anything. That is the first test they passed by catching the ghost, with damage done to the ball room and the 12th floor.

Ghosts started to appear on the top of Dana Barrett's apartment. Dana had evidence that a Sumerian demi god is living in her refrigerator. When she looked in, she saw a supernatural dimension with demon dogs guarding it; one of the dogs called her Zuul. After that incident she went to the ghostbusters office to get some service about Gozer. At first they were not sure about Gozer but they knew something big is about to happen, so they went to work to get some info. Dana did found out from Peter that Zuul is minion of Gozer, she is convinced that a demon is living in her apartment; she was captured by Zuul demon dog possessing her to become one of them. Egon, Ray and Peter needed more help so they hired Winston Zeddmore to be the fourth ghostbuster. Mean while; Lewis Tully the nerdy neighbor from Dana's apartment is also possessed by Vince Carlotho another demon dog. Dana is the gate keeper and Lewis is the Key master. Ghostbusters are also facing extermination by the EPA named Pek.  He shut off the electric gird thus releasing all the ghosts they captured. For that he was kicked out by the mayor.

Vince finally found Zuul in her apartment and they both went to the roof where the final competition will take place. The ghostbusters arrived at the apartment and they saw dark skies with demonic lightning, a freak earthquake shook them up as well as the crowd. When they got to the roof, both Lewis and Dana were opening the gate to the supernatural thus releasing Gozer from it's demison. They were turned back into demon dogs, they growled at the Ghostbusters. They finally were face to face with Gozer in a woman form. At the first stream Gozer leaped over them and disappeared to appear as the first traveler; the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. They tired to melt him but did not work. Egon finally realized the only way to seal off the gate is to break the rule of crossing the streams; they both combined their streams causing the dimension to blow up and the Stay Puft melted as well on top of the crowd. The ghostbusters are finally hero's of the supernatural.

Five years after their encounter with Gozer; the Ghostbusters are being sued from the damages of the apartment building and the hotel. So they went to find separate jobs, but the supernatural survived and this time a demon from Carpathian Vigo is on display at the Art Museum and there is slime underneath the street starting to create more ghosts by the boatload. The mayor is responsible for firing the Ghostbusters since after 5 years with Gozer. Their licence is revoked so the Ghostbusters had their job back and this time Vigo wanted a baby to possess. The Ghostbusters ended his reign of terror by sending him back to the art picture.

                                     WATCH OUT FOR GOZER!!